Seeing the World in Black and White with Phil Penman, Online - January 24-26, 2025

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Discover your own process to Seeing the World in Black and White. Three day intensive workshop with photojournalist Phil Penman.
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What is it about a black and white photo that often stirs emotion in the viewer and creates a sense of timeless rarely seen? How does a photographer go about learning to see in black & white, ignoring the color of the real world, while focusing on the shapes, textures, and light through the viewfinder?


Join the Leica Akademie and Phil Penman for this in-depth masterclass, where you will learn how to “See the world in black and white.  Whether you are working in an urban environment on the street, a landscape setting or a mixture of both, this intensive weekend workshop is guaranteed to give you a better understanding of the elements needed to create black and white images with visual impact.

Registration for this event closes 24-hours before each class begins to solidify attendance. Please feel free to email any questions or concerns to


Friday – Noon to 2:00pm - EST
Saturday – Noon to 3:00pm - EST
Sunday – Noon to 3:00pm - EST

Things you should know:

While all experience levels are welcome to take this workshop, you should have a good understanding of your camera as well as an understanding of basic image editing.
All camera brands are welcome. It is not required to use a Leica camera.

Attendance is strictly limited, so be sure to sign up at your earliest opportunity.


  • Seeing light and shadow
  • Composition
  • Gear selection – which lenses and camera for a given situation.
  • Working in weather
  • Techniques to create drama.
  • Editing and printing process.


  • Dates

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