Leica SL3 Owners Workshop, Online

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An online workshop for current owners of the Leica SL3. Owners shoot with their own cameras and learn practical skills to enhance their SL3 experience with a professional Leica Akademie instructor. THIS COURSE IS HOSTED ON WEST COAST TIME.


Join Leica Product Specialists Ray Olson and John Kreidler as they guide you through the process of understanding and using your SL3.  Designed for novice & beginner owners, this introductory paced course will give owners the confidence to explore the camera deeper, as well as get used to the functionality and overall navigation of using the camera.

The Leica SL3 are incredibly customizable cameras. The workshop will cover many topics, such as the various focusing modes available with L-Mount lenses, as well as with Leica M and R lenses, best practices for fast auto and manual focusing, and setting control for specific shooting scenarios, all giving you the experience to fully realize your planned shoots and capture unexpected life moments.

There will be a 30-minute break toward the middle of class


  • Anatomy of the SL3
  • Shooting Modes
  • Metering
  • Drive Mode
  • Focus Mode
  • Auto ISO Settings
  • White Balance and Custom WB
  • Camera Settings
  • Lenses – Native, Adapted and L-Mount
  • Making a User Profile
  • FOTOS App


This course is
designed around the New Leica SL3's layout and core features. We encourage novice photographers looking to learn more about photography to consider this course. Advanced photographers looking to get familiar with their camera will also benefit from the full camera breakdown. 


Registration for this event closes 24-hours before each class begins to solidify attendance. Please feel free to email any questions or concerns to AkademieUSA@Leica-Camera.com

Attendance is strictly limited to 10 participants, so be sure to sign up at your earliest opportunity.


The SL3 camera system is a professional tool.  Basic knowledge in photography basics will be expected.   Though this workshop is to cover SL3 Owners of all skill levels, we strongly suggest a pre-requisite workshop in Photography Fundamentals for novice photographers. 

Registrants should have a basic understanding of camera technology navigation in general & understand the exposure triangle (ISO, Aperture, Shutter) with the demonstrated ability to navigate through the basic functions of their camera mechanics.


If your workshop date is sold out or not available on a day & time you can learn, we do offer customized bespoke sessions HERE.

You can also be added to the wait-list of any program by sending an message to akademieUSA@leica-camera.com


  • Dates

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Ray Olson is the West Coast Product Specialist for Leica Camera.  Ray has an extensive background in photographing music performances and as a studio and studio on-location portrait photographer.  His camera work in the past, utilized 35mm, medium, and large format systems. These images have graced the covers of music magazines, album art, tour books, and musical instrument advertising campaigns.  In addition, he has taught seminars and classes on Studio Lighting, Lighting on Location, Color Management, and Camera Technique for both film and digital capture platforms.  Ray also has a strong history in both the retail and wholesale sides of the Photographic Industry.

Leica Instructor Ray Olson

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