The Analog Workshop with Quinton Gordon - Leica Store Bellevue

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August 15-17, 2025 - When it comes to Leica cameras, film is certainly not dead. Join Leica and photographer Quinton Gordon for a weekend exploring the creative advantages of a hybrid analog/digital process and hosted by Leica Store Bellevue
Bellevue WA, In-Person
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The tradition of analog M photography is alive and well alongside its digital brother and as many photographers come to Leica via our classic and new film bodies, and current digital M photographers rekindle their film days, we have teamed up with Leica photographer Quinton Gordon to create the Leica Akademie Analog workshop.

This three-day workshop combines lectures, field assignments and critiques to challenge and improve your photography (both film or digital) while providing a solid foundation in the technical considerations of film and how to develop an effective film-based workflow for your analog photography adventures.

If you have recently purchased a Leica M film body, or are considering buying one, this is the place to start as Quinton guides you using film from exposure to hybrid workflows that partner film-based photography with modern editing software like Adobe Lightroom. Discussions and critiques will focus not just on the technical aspects, but on ways to improve your photography. Assignments during the weekend will serve to improve your image making whether you’re working with film or digital.


  • Film Choices B&W and Color
  • Handling, Travelling and Storing Film
  • Exposure Techniques for Great Negatives
  • Processing Your Film
  • Hybrid Workflow: Film in a Digital World
  • Printing: Modern Silver Gelatin / Inkjet


Lead by Fine Art Photographer and Akademie Instructor Quinton Gordon this program will help you nurture and discover a richer voice in your photography. The program will include a personal review of your work, presentations, and group discussions and assignments. Inspiration will be found through these assignments and a re-looking at both the urban and natural environment that we are working in.


Friday, August 15 – Meet Up & Photography Basics

1:00pm - 5:00pm: First day will begin at our seminar location, where we will cover the fundamental aspects of working with film, including choices between black and white and color. The day will also feature a presentation by Quinton, who will discuss some of his projects and offer insights on building a body of work.

Saturday, August 15 – Photography Assignment

9:00am - 5:00pm - Second day will be spent working on assignment. You will be provided with two rolls of film (including processing) to use while working on specific assignments throughout the day. We will finish the day back at the Leica Store to collect your film for processing and wrap up discussion.

Sunday, August 17 – Group Critique

10:00am - 4:00pm - Meet in the morning to review photographs. After lunch Quinton will make a detailed presentation on how to establish an effective hybrid workflow that works for you, using the best attributes of film and digital.


Who Should Attend?

This workshop is for anyone who has recently purchased or is considering purchasing a film Leica camera.

What Skill Level Is Required?

You should be comfortable with the manual use of a camera, and have a good understanding of exposure, depth of field, and focus.

Do I Need My Own Camera?

This workshop is designed primarily for those who have their own film Leica M body, but we will have a couple of bodies on hand for those who are considering buying a film Leica. Please check with us on availability and register your interest in having a loaner camera for the workshop.

Do I Need To Bring Film?

At the workshop we will supply two rolls of film and processing for assignments given during the workshop. Please feel free to bring additional rolls of your choice but processing for these is not included in the workshop. We do require that you use the supplied film for the workshop assignments in order to maintain the workflow and processing deadlines for the lab we are using.

Can I Shoot Digital at the Workshop?

You are certainly welcome to bring your digital Leica along as well, but the focus of this workshop with be on the use of film-based Leica cameras.


Host: Leica Store Bellevue
Address: The Shops At The Bravern, 11111 NE 8th St Suite 130, Bellevue, WA 98004
Fee: $799.99
Class Size: 10 Max.



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